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Census population
Census 2011
By Municipalities
Population by sex, marital status and municipality 2011
Population by age, type of area (urban/rural) and municipality 2011
Population by religion,sex and municipality 2011
Population aged 6 to 29 years attending school by school currently attended, sex and municipality 2011
Population by sex, household status and municipality 2011
Population born in Kosovo by sex, age and municipality of birth 2011
Population aged 15 years and over by marital status sex and age 2011
Languages spoken other than mother tongue by sex and age of population aged 15 years and over 2011
Population by sex, age and municipality 2011
Kosovo population by municipality (Estimation) 2011-2012
Kosovo's population by ethnicity and censuses 1948-2011
Employed by main industry, sex and municipality 2011
Population aged 10 years and over by educational attainment and literacy, sex and municipality 2011
Number of buildings with at least one occupied conventional dwelling 2011
Number of occupied conventional dwellings, Average number of households per dwelling, Average useful floor space per occupant by municipality 2011
Population by age ,sex and municipality 2011
Employed by main occupation, sex and municipality 2011
Population aged 15 years and over by current activity status, sex and municipality 2011
Employed by type of place of work ,sex and municipality 2011
Employed travelling between home and place of work by place of work, sex and municipality 2011
Persons aged 15 years and over currently not economically active by functional category, sex and municipality 2011
Population by main source of livelihood, sex and municipality 2011
Population by household status, sex and municipality 2011
Private households by number of household members and municipality 2011
Population by marital status,sex and municipality 2011
Institutional households by type of institutional household and municipality
Persons usually resident in institutional households by type of institutional household, sex and municipality
Persons temporarily present in institutional households by type of institutional household, sex and municipality 2011
Private households by housing arrangement and municipality 2011
Private households in conventional dwellings by tenure status of the household and municipality
Private households in conventional dwellings by availability of telephone, availability of computer and access to Internet by municipality
Conventional dwellings by availability of basic facilities and municipality
Conventional dwellings by occupancy status and type of ownership, and municipality
Occupied conventional dwellings by period of construction of the building and municipality
Buildings with at least 1 occupied conventional dwelling by number of occupied conventional dwellings and municipality
Population by place of birth, sex and municipality
Population by ethnic /cultural background sex and municipality 2011
Population by religion,sex and municipality 2011
Population by mother tongue,sex and municipality 2011
Population by country of citizenship, sex and municipality 2011
Population 6 to 29 years attending school by school currently attended ,sex and municipality 2011
By Settlements
Republic of Kosova
Summary tables
Census 2024
Census population 1948-2011
Culture and sport
Data for children
Enterprise Investment
External trade
Geographical data
Health and welfare
Household Budget Survey
ICT in Households and Enterprise
Income and Living Conditions
Labour market
National and government accounts
Short-term statistics
Statistical business register
Structural business statistics
Tourism and hotels